New version 24.06.28

Changelog, version 24.06.28


Added a law specifying retirement age.
Added a welcome screen warning about the game's difficulty.


Added several new objectives that should help kickstart the player in the right direction.
Replaced Prefab Alumina Refinery with Prefab Aluminium Smelter (the refinery stays in old saves).
New structures:
    Art Gallery
    Massive Storage Tank
    Small Apartment Multiplex
    Studio Apartment Multiplex
    Theatre & Cinema
    Uranium Processing Plant
New mineable resource - Uranium ore
New technologies:
    Appreciation of Art
    Comfortable Apartments
    Performance Art
    Red Mud Processing
    Uranium Enrichment


All structures that are close to being unlocked by an objective or require an already revealed (but unresearched) technology show up in the build menu, but their button is disabled. Unlock requirements are shown when mousing over them.
Added a toggle to autosuspend mines when there's not enough storage for the mined resource (enabled by default).
Added an option to designate a stockpile for waste, which makes it automatically accept the most needed scrap material and sets correct priority and fill level.
Added a button for copying storage settings to other storages of the same type.
Separated storage and logistics priority for storages.
Added ETC (estimated time to completion) for construction, repairs and landscaping.
Added a tutorial for crashed cargo ships.
Added a confirmation dialog for returning a shuttle to base early.
Added an option for high-contrast deposit colors.
Mines show their mining area when selected.
Changed layout of student markers in schools to make the UI shorter.
Made construction priority overlay colors more distinctive.
Reordered resources in stockpile resource selection.
Pin for overloaded logistics vehicles shows separate information for cargo trucks and tankers.
Build menu's construction priority is saved.
Objective/technology description is shown in tooltip when mousing over objective/technology pin.
Objective saying that Luna was marked on the map adds that the mark is visible in exploration mode.
Improved tutorial texts.


Mining drills can move to their current tile, allowing them to rotate in place.
Significantly improved performance of checking of objectives.
Vehicles of offices with no productivity return to their offices instead of blocking the streets.


Increased speed of construction, deconstruction, maintenance and repairs by 50%. Landscaping speed is unchanged.
Increased amount of resources in deposits by 50%.
Mining drills have 1 extra mining range (i.e. they can mine from adjacent tiles).
Colonies start with 1 extra level of low expectations (i.e. colonists get 1 extra morale from low expectations). Existing colonies are unaffected.
An extra sulfur deposit is guaranteed to spawn near the start.
Some technologies' unlock requirements were changed.
Some objectives' requirements were changed.
Changed Luna's prefab cargo.


Random crash related to movement.
Random crash related to saving of rock positions.
Random crash related to vehicles loading their cargo.
Random race condition crash related to local notifications.
Random race condition crash related to spatial hash grid.
Crash when deselecting a mining drill while moving it to a new position.
Crash when a colonist was shopping for food and there was enough in the store for exactly one meal.
Shuttle could launch to nowhere when its mission was cancelled, but construction workers who were not assigned to any projects arrived at it, resulting in a crash sooner or later.
Shuttle could still leave colonists behind when launching.
Some cases of construction workers randomly getting stuck after finishing a construction project. Other cases are still being investigated for next update. This was a major source of random deaths.
Colonists didn't get properly removed from a bus when it was removed from a line. This could result in them taking up space in the bus forever. When the bus was added back to a line, it could result in a crash.
Mining drills often ignored structures that were in their way when moving. This could even result in two drills getting stuck inside each other.
Structure entrance blocked local notification didn't always appear.
Entrance blocked tooltip when placing structures appeared even when the newly placed structure wasn't blocking anything, if a neighbouring structure already had its entrance blocked by something else.
Stores were selling packaged food when they were banned from doing so by law and didn't sell it when they weren't.
Vehicles often couldn't navigate mazes when they were very close to them.
Logistics vehicles overloaded pin showed up when a job was inaccessible.
Logistics offices didn't stop ordering vehicles to unpack when their slots were changed.
Unassigned but unpacked buses appeared in public transport UI as available when the game was reloaded.
Game could be unpaused during tutorial with the plus key (increase game speed).
When mining drills were at their last tile of movement and the game was saved and reloaded, they thought they were in position and deployed, even though, they could be rotated wrong.
Clicking on disable structure button multiple times resulted in disabled notification being stuck unless the enable button was pressed the same number of times.
Construction workers still arrived at paused construction sites if there were no other projects they could go to. They could even finish them, resulting in the paused notification being stuck.
Paused landscaping projects were still supplied with stone.
When a landscaping project was ever lacking stone, it was marked in red in its UI even when the stone became available.
Oberon, Titania, Rhea and Iapetus were always the 4 guaranteed damaged ships to spawn, when the chances were supposed to be random.
When a new sector was explored while elevation or slope overlay was on, the new sector was not colored accordingly.
Names of newly created bus lines followed a wrong naming formula.
Acute angle street had wrong position of its street light.
Solar Thermal Dish's description was wrong.


Alien Horizon 24.06.28 (old version) 651 MB
92 days ago

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